With the number of families affected by autism still on the rise, many are seeking alternative treatments, as traditional medications have proven costly and ineffective. Studies show, and parental observations corroborate, that HBOT can help ameliorate the effects of autism spectrum disorders in children in a safe, tolerated setting. HBOT has helped thousands of autistic patients by decreasing inflammation and improving cognitive functions.
Benefits of HBOT for autism include
Enhanced brain healing and repair
Increases oxygen delivery to hypoxic tissue
Reduces neuroinflammation
Stimulates stem cell proliferation and mobilization
Lowers frequency of seizure
Improved physical function
Promotes receptive and expressive language
Improves movement and gross and fine motor skills
Stimulates eye contact
Advanced mental function
Improves sensory and cognitive awareness
Increases attention span and alertness
Improved behavioral function
Improves sleep pattern
Advances social skills and interactions
Reduces aggression
Autistic children show significant improvements in overall functioning with HBOT
HBOT helps symptoms of children with autism
HBOT in autism spectrum disorders