HBOT for Anti Aging

When you hear “anti-aging,” what comes to mind? Botox? Plastic surgery? Various lotions and potions promising youth in a bottle? In fact, the best way to fight aging is not by applying topical creams, but by healing from the inside out. How does one fight aging from the inside? With an exciting, cutting-edge treatment: hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing 100% infused oxygen inside a pressurized chamber. HBOT enables oxygen to reach every part of the body, where it both repairs damaged cells and encourages new cellular growth. At the same time, HBOT promotes circulation and stem cell growth, which reduces inflammation, and supports the immune system (2). For decades, HBOT has proven effective for treating a multitude of medical conditions, including diabetic ulcers, sudden hearing loss, and radiation injury (1).

HBOT helps wound healing by bringing oxygen-rich plasma to tissue starved for oxygen. According to Johns Hopkins, “HBOT aims to break the cycle of swelling, oxygen starvation, and tissue death” (3).

Now, it’s expanding into anti-aging and becoming part of the emerging world of “beauty-tech.” The beauty-tech industry develops anti-aging technology that is driven by science, research, and peer-reviewed studies. In the beauty-tech world, HBOT is an example of finding wellness on the cellular level.

According to the International Hyperbarics Association, HBOT reduces excessive skin damage from ultraviolet radiation; promotes collagen production and maintains skin elasticity; and improves wound healing and reduces scar formation (2). This means you’ll not only get younger-looking skin on the outside, but a healthier body on the inside. Check out this interview with Holistic Hyperbarics founder Alex Williams to read her take on HBOT and beauty tech.

Multiple peer-reviewed studies have already concluded that HBOT is effective as an anti-aging treatment. A 2014 study found oxygen “to be an important component in skin rejuvenation, treatment of photoaging skin, and improvement in skin complexions.” That study found especially promising results in reducing and preventing wrinkles caused by ultraviolet rays (4). A 2012 study found that HBOT can even offer protection from future ultraviolet exposure (5).

If you’re looking for an anti-aging treatment that actually works, we’re ready to serve you at Holistic Hyperbarics. Our state-of-the art spa features knowledgeable staff, a relaxing environment, and comfortable hyperbaric chambers. We’d love to answer your questions about anti-aging treatment. Give us a call to book your first HBOT anti-aging treatment.


1. Staff, Mayo Clinic. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 12 Jan. 2018,

2. Staff, IHAUSA. “Anti Aging.” International Hyperbarics Association, International Hyperbarics Association, 2020,

3. Staff, Johns Hopkins. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Johns Hopkins Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2020,

4. Asadamongkol, Bralipisut, and John H Zhang. “The Development of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation and Treatment of Photoaging.” US National Library of Medicine | National Institutes of Health , BioMed Central Medical Gas Research, 1 Apr. 2014,

5. Fuller, Ashley M, et al. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Preconditioning Protects Skin from UV-A Damage.” PubMed, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 3 Aug. 2012,



Rachel G